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New Series Live

The latest season of Amazing War Stories is now live. Using the latest 3D audio technology we tell inspiring true stories each taken from the museums we support

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Who we are…

Amazing War Stories is a media brand owned by the company Amazing History Enterprises. The company was founded in 2020 by Ed Sayer (a former Head of Original Commissioning for Discovery International), Bruce Crompton TV star of Combat Dealers, ex- paratrooper and militaria collector and Dan Jones, owner and CEO of award winning sound design company Vaudeville.

We launched the first podcast season of Amazing War Stories in autumn of that year, and much to our delight, the podcast was a breakout hit. Since then, we have continued to support military museums and grow our company.

People often ask us if we are a charity as our work is focused on helping veterans, charities and museums? The simple answer is no – we are a private company that has charitable ambitions at its heart. We support museums (which often have charitable status), veterans (we employ as many as we can in helping to produce our content) and other charities (such as The Not forgotten, The Pilgrims Bandits, The Royal Marines Lift the Lid campaign amongst others).

There are many reasons why we have not taken charitable status, but perhaps the biggest is that it precludes us from attracting investors in our company as well as preventing us from engaging in certain types of projects. As you can imagine, we are a business that has grand plans. We believe that it is both possible to be a commercial enterprise AND a company that takes is community and public responsibilities very seriously. Transparency is at the heart of how we operate.

Everything we make is premium – it’s well researched and produced to a professional level – it has to be if we are to educate the next generation in the value of the institutions we are publicising. But, as you can appreciate, this kind of content is expensive to make and that is why we ask people to donate or subscribe to us (just like many other podcasters and content makers do when they ask their listeners and viewers to support them).

We believe you the right to know exactly what happens to your money when you donate to us. We want you to rest assured that it is being spent in a way that solely continues our mission. To that end we have created an Amazing War Stories charter which we abide by:

  1. Every penny donated to Amazing War Stories will go to making more content you love that helps publicise museums and preserving veterans deeds for future generations. This could be podcasts or YouTube videos or other content available on other social media platforms.
  2. We will NEVER spend money donated by members of the public on anything but free, ad-supported audio/visual content that supports military museums and military institutions. Other future initiatives will be funded separately. For instance, your donations won’t go towards making more merchandise for us to sell in the store, it will only go towards to cost of making more content.
  3. Should, at anytime in the future, it become not possible to commercially make any more content, all monies that we have received through donations that has not been spent, will be donated to a our featured museums equally. In the unlikely event that this situation transpires you will be notified ahead of time via email.
  4. We will work tirelessly to use media and other means at our disposal to raise the profile of military museums and veteran causes here and abroad.
  5. We will continue to operate in complete transparency with honesty and diligence.
  6. Amazing War Stories values our community and seek to engage with them in any means possible. We promise that all the material we produce is, to the very best of our knowledge and efforts, completely factually accurate and is checked by historians. This is important to us and the institutions we support.